Monday, December 22, 2008

Army Reserves anyone?

Ok this is a true cry for help. I need advice and soon. I have been looking into joining the army reserves. But im not sure if there is another "military" thats better?! I want something im going to enjoy. And well my parents are NOT supporting me in my decision. So I am asking ANYONE who reads this blog to please comment. It doesnt matter what you have to say I want to hear it. I am going test wed. So please hurry. And help me make the right decision please. Oh and today ive taken my "practice" test and scored a 43 (out of a 99) im not sure if im proud or ashamed.But it was/is a passing grade lol. And it was spur of the moment hurry and think type of thing I was in no way prepared for it.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Oh please help me something got into me. That made me make 3 different types of cookies tonight. I ended up with Inside-out chocolate chip cookies, Extraordinary chocolate chip cookies, and Chocolate-peanut butter-banana cookies. I can say they all taste pretty darn good. But who needs SEVERAL dozens of cookies ? I mean come on. For someone who doesnt even bake any more it was nice and relaxing. Well now it's relaxing because i can have a seat. But I had fun making a mess in the kitchen. I guess tomarrow morning i'll be paying for it since I have to clean up the mess.Oh well wanna cookie?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Just a little entertainment

So my dear husband decides he needs some entertainment today. Like he has nothing better to do right?! Well he gets the bright idea to run after oreo (male "fat" cat) with a remote control car. Ok i thought well the cat will hide well enough this wont last long.WRONG after the cat was rudely awakened from his nap under the christmas tree. By a freakin fairly large car coming straight for him. He jumps and runs and not far either. Honestly in some way I think he liked being chased. It was definitaly quite the scene. Boy why didnt I think of the camera?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let's share

Charlie: (talking to lil charlie) Lets show everyone how spoiled you are *starts holding his cup for him*

Me: You want another baby don't you ?

Charlie: He is my baby.

Me: No he's mine.

Brooke: Ok we will solve this baby thing you both can share.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

SNOW we have snow in south louisiana.

I dont think I need to say anymore. Im so happy last time it snowed here was christmas in 2004. So this definitaly is a treat.

Friday, December 5, 2008

It really is the little things ....

I swear it's the little things in life that make it worth while. As I was snooping around on various blogs this evening. I went back to my dashboard. And suddenly I noticed it. The one thing that would brighten my night. Wanna know what it was? I might tell you. Then again I might hold out. Since I KNOW you will think im off my rocker. Although I could tell you how my disaterous day went.

So well here I go and if you wait patiently I may just tell you. As today starts I get up and get dressed. Then I go wake the older 2. And get them started getting ready for school. Then of course I get my little evil child out of his cage .... errr I mean crib. So after all that boring stuff about chasing down an almost 2 yr old to get him dressed.(I'll spare you the details :) We start off for school the oldest first since he has to be there by 7:40 am .Of course I bring him as early as I can so he can go eat breakfast. Then to kill enough time to bring my daughter at 8 am . Ok i'll fast forward through the day since I know you just yawned.
I decided to call my oldest's school to find out whats the earliest I can sign him out. Since he had a drs appointment today at 2:30pm. Well good thing because the latest is 2:10 umm hello school lets out at 2:50 . Why so early? Before the hurricane hit the latest was 2:30 and they were getting out for 2:40 . Why the difference now? Well since I LOVE to be early/on time I go and get there for about 1:30 . GOOD THING. They ask what can they help me with as they did with the other 2 women ahead of me.I tell them then the woman does more work .And gets back to me she asks me who am I to him his mother ? Of course I said yes since thats how we have all his paperwork down as im his mother not step mother . Well she then asks me my name and then for my ID . I give it to her with my heart beating a mile a minute . Since they didnt do this to the other women. Then I notice a few women gathering in a room in a far corner. My next thoughts were "OH SHIT" (sorry please excuse me there) . After a grueling 2 minutes a woman walks out asking if I was his step mom since apparently ALL my info matched what was in his emergency info. (DUH I filled it out) .
Then they go to tell me to start filling it out and telling them I was his step mom. Actually when we started this whole school ordeal I asked that question and they told me to assume the "mom position"(well I feel I should be there I was there in his life since he was 2 1/2 and his mom well shes another story for another day) Anyways after about 30-45 mins I finally get the child I so badly needed . Only because I had to hope someone was around to get my daughter off her bus. Which is about a 10-15 min drive BACK home. Thankfully we live in an area where there is plenty of family. After getting home for oh say 2 minutes to get a diaper bag and whatever else was needed. I haul butt back to the direction I just got the oldest from. Only to be slowed by drivers who cant go the speed limit or anywhere near it. I see this fed ex truck right as I was nearing my destination. And of course I knew what he was gonna do. Yep stupid driver cut me off I almost got into a wreck. I being the evil woman I can be write down a license plate # so I can call on him later.We finally get there and WAIT 1 1/2 hrs to be seen . Yeah want to wait with 3 kids no toys and no sanity oh wait that happened about 10 minutes into waiting for the dr. Then we get into the back for another 30 mins only to get told exactly what I already knew. We are just uping meds now why couldnt we do that over the phone instead of making me wait 2 hrs? Ahhhh the feeling of finally getting into my van so I can scream at the top of my lungs for no reason. Oh crap I forgot the school excuse. Now im sitting in my van wondering should I do it ? Should I really go back in with 3 annoying kids? Can I send the oldest back in ? Shoot heck with it ill get it another day.Oh what a day it has been. And I am truly thankful its over with. Oh yeah that thing I was going to tell you about. The one that thrilled me so much. It was I seen I now have a follower I told you ,you would think im nuts but thanks MB . I owe you a smile .

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's that time of year again

And I have blackmail pics. A little cropping of the original and volia. You have 1 husband sitting on Santa's lap.Now of course I will be using this to my advantage.And of course i'll show you the original.
I think the poor kid was afraid of Santa. So he got to sit on the OTHER side lol.

And of course these 2 hey at least Brooke was smiling not sure what Austin was doing. But I don't think he belives in Santa. So i'll be telling Santa he doesn't need anything.
Hey and i've got great news. For the first time in a loooonng time i've actually been in a christmas mood. woo hoo.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Could I have been affected?

Well I havent mentioned this. But a few days ago I learned my 22 yr old cousin had passed away. We werent close. But I knew she has 2 kids apparently both taken away from her (long story). So im sitting here wondering. Why do I even want to tear up? We werent close we havent spoken in who knows how long. So it shouldnt bother me right? Could it be the fact that she and I both have 2 kids ? Could it be she was almost my age? Could it be that I realize just how precious life is ? I didnt get the chance to make it to her wake or funeral. And im regretting that. And honestly if I had the chance to go would I ? I cant say the girl had her life going where she needed to (from what I hear she died from drugs). I guess I am human after all. And it IS ok to get your emotions out evry once and a while. So thanks for listening to me ramble. Now to go poke my husband . Hes snoring again.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I was beat up by a munchkin last night

This picture is for you to see her height this is NOT Siko the little demon This picture is the demon you cant really tell but shes all munchkin shes definitaly needing a diet and possibly a haircut

and seriously im quiet sore. Ok let me explain its a munchkin cat. The beast was being transported inside without a kennel. For protection, my protection she wasnt going to get hurt. I of course listened to my husband when he said I didnt need a kennel. Of course not whats the odds on the 11pm train passing AT 11 pm you know right after I hear the horn from far away. Ok stupid me my first mistake. Well then I decide shes "small" enough to carry something else. So I grab the container of cat food and start along my maybe 50 ft to my house. So then the train comes closer and now the horn is in full blow. Cat freaks (did I mention she has no front claws?) im holding the poor baby by now by strands of her long beautiful fur. And notice this monster is biting me and clawing at me with her back feet. She amazingly knocks off my glasses you know to bite the gash in my eyebrow. Since I can no longer see without my glasses. I get down till my husband can hear me. To find my glasses in pitch dark. So he turns the truck around and beams the headlights my way. All durning this im wiping away blood like sweat falling from my face. The cat has by now calmed down since there is no more source of irritation. We get inside I have to immediatly "cleanup". For a moment there I almost passed out. From the amount of blood lost between my face, arms, and hands. But I got through it now my left hand is swollen. And I can barely do things for myself through the pain. But hey at least my first impression was a memorable one.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I think I will introduce you to the 14 pleasures I have

well i guess ill start here this "yellow"guy/girl in the middle has no name as of yet but it came with its family when i was searching craigslist they have all beaten each other up most probably b/c there was only 1 food and water bowl in the cage and barely any toys he/she is roughly about 6 months old
this guy/girl is part of the family of 5 and is currently baldy or bald eagle it currently has some new feathering on his head like ive said before they picked on each other now they have no reason these pics are actually when i first got them he/she is roughly 3-4 months old

this is another no namer (if you have an suggestions as to what to call the lutino/yellow one and this baby please let me know) his/her song is so beautiful i could listen to this little guy all day long i guess hes finally happy now he/she is roughly 3-4 months old

the little grey and white guy is what i call daddy boy he is the father of the 3 cockatiels above he definitaly loves his "wife" b/c if i move her out of the cage without him he will chirp for her till she gets back he will also do this with the "babies" he is about 3-4 yrs old

this is momma daisy she again is a cockatiel and needs a break from producing so many babies in so little time she seems much happier since ive added loads of toys and a better diet for them and more bowls to eat and drnk from she is about 3-4 yrs old

this is pretty lady she is a lutino cockatiel she is about 1 yr old she lives alone in her cage since she doesnt seem comfortable with the family of 5 with her too she came from craigslist and on a poor all seed diet (i feed seed and pellets as well as fresh/cooked fruits and veggies as well they all get food i cook too)
these guys are sunny and snowflake they are parakeets i assume sunny (the yellow one) is part english budgie but i have no clue from what i understand sunny is all boy (i caught him umm pleasing himself on his swing) and snowflake is girl i did not dna them so there is nothing that really says this is what they are for sure they are about 1-2 yrs old

this is skittles she has been dna sexed female she is a green quaker she also came from craigslist (starting to see a pattern here arent you?) she had a cage mate but he went to someone else unless he doesnt work out he will have a home here and he will be the last that comes here she has been slightly more cage aggressive lets just say it hurts when i want to get her out :) she is about 1 yr old
this is chief dna sexed male umbrella cockatoo i can not touch this guy he is the kids bird i feed him and make sure he has water and a clean cage but thats about it oh and plenty of toys the kids now can pretty much do anything they like to him without getting hurt he is 12 yrs old he is another craigslist find
this is chicco he 20 yrs old he is a double yellow headed amazon we can currently hold chicco but not pet him yes there is a difference we assume he is male but no dna has been done yet him i actually found him looking for info for chief

this is sweet pea she is a goffins cockatoo she is a plucker and a screamer she is about 3 yrs old she loves tossing food on the floor we are working on her feathers she currently has more coming in on her back she definitaly likes calypso she has been dnaed female she is another craigslist find

this is calypso a dnaed male sulfur crested cockatoo he was the first here and who is responsible for all of the other guys being here he is about 1 1/2 yrs old he is another plucker but not 1/2 as bad as sweet pea and my "house alarm" or otherwise screamer
this is the "baby" of the bunch skye the blue and gold macaw we bought her from a baby she is 9 months old (see my pirate with his "parrot") i weaned her and she definitaly is a mommas brat no one else can put their hands in her cage with out getting nipped at

Wanna see some REALLY good pics

Of course you do. Now as I may tell you a little about them. I was bathing my child (the youngest little demon). And like usual I wander off around the house doing various tasks that are impossible with him running loose. So as I go off and do my "work" I do come back and check on him. Especially when it gets quiet then I go into panick mode. Well as you can clearly see my child should be in basketball. The kids got aim already and hes not even 2 yet.Oh and did I mention thats a few feet from where he was in the tub . Yeah my floor was slightly soaked too.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How can you stay mad?

Ok so I was kindly getting up to go get my child out of the fridge. When of course I see he's in there because of an empty cup. Well as soon as I get the can of juice opened up and set on my counter. I walk over to the water dispenser and fill his sippy cup 1/2 way with water. I start to hear something hit the floor. Yep you guessed it, it was the grape juice I JUST opened. All over my poor child's head down his chest and to the floor. Might I add my trailer is still unlevel from the recent hurricane. So everything started running under my dishwasher. Hey at least I found it funny for a minute right?